Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation of modern specialist. Example of educational process at medical university

A.V. Konotop, I.V. Damulin, A.A. Strutsenko


A.V. Konotop is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Troops e-mail:; I.V. Damulin is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), prof. at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University e-mail:; and A.A. Strutsenko is Cand.Sci. (Medicine), doc. at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia e-mail:


Presented is the analysis of state of modern professional training of specialists at medical universities of the RF. Researched are it’s principal stages and structural characteristics. Examined are organizational pedagogical conditions for reconstruction of educational process on the basis of the anthropocentric educational paradigm. Presented is didactic basis of such paradigm, which allows to move the person of the trainee into the center of educational process, thereby providing individually oriented learning strategy on the basis of continuous process of self-development. Analyzed are advantages of methodical and technological support of personally oriented vocational training in comparison with traditional model of training. Also presented is the complex of didactic, methodical and technological support of professional training of specialist.

Key words: anthropocentric learning paradigm, educational process, personally oriented approach, subject to subject model of pedagogical interaction, stage of educational process, method of teaching, technology of instruction.



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