Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Rhetorical competence as basic goal of education in the epoch of informational dictatorship

L.K. Salieva


L.K. Salieva is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. at Lomonosov Moscow State University.



Presented is theoretical reasoning, the purpose of which is to ground rhetorical knowledge/ competence as central knowledge/ competence of knowledge-based society. On the basis of comparison of information age’s challenges and achievements in the field of rhetoric, revealed is significance of modern rhetoric for current stage of development of society. Given is definition of basic contradictions of information epoch. Defined is necessity of training of competent specialists, possessing both critical and innovative thinking. Conclusion is made, that modern rhetoric is the key component of “knowledge society”, as it presents a picture of modern informational environment, reveals laws of word communications, dialogue and monologue, and also equips individual with ability for perceiving and creating the speech.

Key words: information society, society of knowledge, rhetoric, ethics, rhetorical competence, critical thinking, relevant speech skills, Losev, Bakhtin, Rozhdestvensky.




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