Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Dual approach to management of quality of education at high school

K.L. Komarov, L.K. Komarova


K.L. Komarov is Dr.Sci. (Engineering), prof. e-mail: ; and L.K. Komarova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail:

At Siberian State Transport University


Researched is the theme of dual approach to management of quality of education at high school. Education is, on the one hand, specific activity with long history from China, Greece, Rome and medieval Europe to the new time. On the other hand, education is inherent in such a generic flaw as «lag», that is of technical nature. To combat this evil, are being used various techniques, i.e. program training, network planning, and in recent years multimedia technology, Internet and distance learning. The inertia of educational systems is constantly conflicted with dynamic development of economic systems. In such situation the quality systems present themselves as systems, designed to cover all areas of activity of educational organization, all it’s interests, and that is demonstrated in this article on example of Siberian state transport university.

Key words: education, professional education, quality, quality of education, system of quality, management of quality of education



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