Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Peculiarities of ethno-social adaptation of students from Central Asia to conditions of megapolis

Zh.S. Safronova , D.S. Brazevitch, I.I. Tolstikova


Zh.S. Safronova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc.; D.S. Brazevich is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc.; and I.I. Tolstikova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc., head of sub-faculty at Saint Petersburg NRU of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics e-mail:


Discussed are problems of ethno-social adaptation of migrants, and also ways of solution of such in modern mega-polis. Substantiated is that successful ethnosocial adaptation is condition of welfare of society. Given is definition of ethno-social adaptation as the process of and result of active adaptation of individual in conditions of ethno-social and national environment. Presented are results of research work of in ethno-social adaptation of Tajik and Turkmen students in conditions of the city of Saint Petersburg. Defined are character universal and specific peculiarities of ethno-social adaptation of Tajik and Turkmen students, conditioned by national character. Analyzed are principal stages of the program of ethno-social adaptation of students from Central Asia, i.e. educational, interactive, consult. Presented is a number of methods for realization of the program. Also noted are perspective direction in solving of ethno-social problems.

Key words: ethno-social adaptation, national orientation, social wellbeing, culture, stereotypes, conflictogenity, social uneasiness, justice, sociability, conflict, program, positive perception, informal communication, personal qualities, authority, people of Central Asia.



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