Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Evaluation of foreign policy of the USSR before the Second World War. Alter-native version of lesson in history of Russia

V.I. Levin


V.I. Levin is Dr.Sci. (Technology), prof. at Penza State Technological University


Presented is the analysis of historical lessons of diplomatic relations between Germany and Soviet Union before the Great Patriotic war. Analyzed is the theme of opposition and collaboration between Germany and the USSR in the sphere of international policy. Committed is alternative version of lesson (lecture) of the course of “History of Russia”, dedicated to the theme of “Evaluation of foreign policy of the USSR before the Second World War”. The version differs from official one by, firstly, recognition of the fact, that rapprochement of the USSR and Germany before the war has become significant reason of that war, and, secondly, analyses this rapprochement in retrospect, starting with the First World War. The article contains significant number of historical facts, that aren’t figuring in official text-books of Russian history. The article is addressed to lecturers of both schools and high schools, as well as to reader, interested not in historical myths, but real content of historical events.

Key words: Second World War, Molotov — Ribbentrop pact, Great Patriotic war.



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