Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of cognitive activity in the process of training igrofication

A.M. Bessmertny, I.V. Gaenkova


A.M. Bessmertny is competitor for scientific degree e-mail:; and I.V. Gaenkova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc.  e-mail:

at Technological Institute of North-Eastern Federal University


Analyzed is the meaning of the concept of “igrofication” from positions of modern technological resource, which allows to use in total all already known pedagogical technologies, and also to organize the process of formation of cognitive activity of students, brought closer to cogitative operations of the person. Disclosed are possibilities of elaborations in development of training computer games, oriented on using by students in the process of training universal cognitive schemes, such as “part – whole”, “communication”, making a basis for generalization and categorization of training material. The aim of the article is in research of opportunities of forming of cognitive activity of trainees in the environment of game electronic platforms. The authors presented for discussion experimental variant of electronic training game of “Formulate new concept”.

Key words: igrofication, cognitive activity, cognitive schemes in training.



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