O.M. Abramova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Arzamas branch of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod – National Research University (UNN)
Researched is situation with the problem of development of flexibility of thinking of pupils in the theory and practice of training. Analyzed are various approaches to understanding of essence of the category of “flexibility of thinking”. Presented are overview and systematization of main directions of researches, devoted to flexibility of thinking. The author’s attention is devoted to the situation, when in spite of the fact that flexibility of thinking as scientific category already long time was under close attention of researchers (philosophers, psychologists, teachers), in it’s treatment for the present there yet wasn’t unity of opinions of scientists, as well as there wasn’t suiting all definition of this concept. It is proved, that for modern specialist, being trained at high school, there is necessity in flexibility of thinking, that must be formed in childhood, namely in school, because success of development of thinking of pupils depends on accounting of their age features.
Kew words: flexibility of thinking, school education, methods of mathematics, mathematical problems, facing challenges.
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