Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ratio between sense of justice, legal mentality, legal mindset and legal culture

M.A. Gusarova


M.A. Gusarova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Russian State University of Justice



Discussed are problems of ratio and interrelation of phenomena of sense of justice, legal mentality, legal mindset and legal culture, and disclosed are general and distinctive in their structure and functions. Shown is the role of sense of justice, legal mentality, legal mindset and legal culture in the process of cognition and designing (modeling) of legal reality. Actualized is value of mutual influence of the considered phenomena under conditions of development of modern Russian society. The author’s conclusions is made about ratio of sense of justice and legal culture as part and the whole, legal mentality as attributive property/ quality of legal mindset, and also about mental bases of sense of justice.

Key words: sense of justice; legal mentality, legal mindsety, legal culture, legal values, legal reality.



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