Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Herbert Marcuse as critic of metaphysics

G.A. Shuliko


G.A. Shuliko is post-graduate student at Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:


Presented is an attempt of historical reconstruction of well known American-German philosopher and sociologist Herbert Marcuse’s views on metaphysics, as well as on ways of it’s cognition and critique. In the article presented is analysis of intellectual connections between Marcuse and other known philosophers and sociologists, i.e. Marcuse and Hegel, Marcuse and marxists (Marx, Engels, Lukach), Marcuse and Heidegger. Each case has different type of connection: Hegel as model for interpretation, Marx gives Marcuse understanding of metaphysics as objective effect of alienation, and from Heidegger Marcuse becomes the meaning of technic, which in Marcuse interpretation represents itself as aesthetic conceptualization of alienation.

Key words: Marcuse, Marx, Heidegger, Hegel, Lukach, metaphysics, alienation, labor.



  1. Hegel, G.W.F. Works. In 14 vols. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929–1959.
  2. Kant, I. Works in 8 vols. Moscow, 1994.
  3. Lukach, G. History and class consciousness. Research in Marxist dialectic. Moscow, 2003.
  4. Marx, K., Engels, F. Works: In 50 vols. Moscow, 1955–1981.
  5. Marcuse, H. The end of the utopia. Logos. 2004, no. 6 (45), pp. 18–23.
  6. Marcuse, H. Critical theory of society. Selected works on philosophy and social critique. Moscow, 2011.
  7. Marcuse, H. Eros and civilization. Single-measured person: research in ideology of developed industrial society. Moscow, 2003.
  8. URL:
  9. Marcuse, H. Reason and revolution. Hegel and formation of social theory. Saint Petersburg, 2000.
  10. URL:
  11. URL:
  12. Marcuse, H. Hegel’s Ontology and the Theory of Historicity. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 1987.