Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


“Life, you purposely is given to me”. Philosophical pedagogical and human-istic ideals of N.I. Pirogov

V.A. Meider


V.A. Meider is Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), prof. at Volzsky Humanitarian Institute of Volgograd State University    


Presented is complex analytical research in philosophical pedagogical and humanistic heritage of world famous Russian doctor-surgeon Nicolas Ivanovich Pirogov, which, states the author, gives also impression of him as of profound philosopher thinker. Recognized is the unity of philosophical, pedagogical and humanistic ideals in life and scientific activity of N.I. Pirogov, works of which in many respects motivated growth of interest of both pedagogues and student youth of Russia to creative activity of Russian educators and humanists in the 19th century. In detail characterized are views of N.I. Pirogov on role and meaning of education and universities in social development of the country. The author’s conclusion is made about continuing significance of spiritual heritage of N.I. Pirogov as philosopher thinker for modernity.

Key words: educational process, education, humanism, morality, philosophical outlook, philosophy of education, personal qualities of human being.



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3. Dobrolyubov, N.A. Collected Works: In 9 vols. Moscow–Leningrad, 1961. Vol. 1.

4. Musin-Pushkin, A.A. N.I. Pirogov as person. Petrograd, 1916.

5. In memory of Nikolas Ivanovich Pirogov (1810—1910). Coll. art. — Saint Petersburg, 1910.

6. Pirogov, N.I. Selected pedagogical works. Moscow, 1985.

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9. Trotsky, L. N.I. Pirogov. In: Before historic abroad. Political Profiles. Moscow–Leningrad, 1926. Vol. 8.

10. Ushinsky, K.D. Pedagogical writings of Pirogov. Collected works: In 11 vols. Moscow–Leningrad, 1948—1952, vol. 3.