Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical technologies of vocational training of students future managers and peculiarities of their choice

M.S. Kruglova


M.S. Kruglova is senior lecturer at Ryazan State University n.a. S.A. Esenin



Analyzed are specific features of the choice of pedagogical technologies in learning process of students-managers on human resource management. Considered is actuality of this problem under modern conditions, taking into account survey data of student managers and teachers of profile disciplines in Ryazan state university n.a  S.A. Esenin. Named are technologies, leading in rating of students and teachers, i.e. case study, project technology, creative tasks, business and role games, trainings, classic lecture and seminar. Estimated is weight of innovative technologies in ensuring educational process for future managers. Distinguished are two groups of factors (objective and subjective), determining efficiency and complexity of pedagogical technologies. Also noted is the role of pedagogues in the process of selection of optimal pedagogical technologies.

Key words: pedagogical technologies, manager of human resources administration, rating of technologies, objective and subjective factors, case study, training, project technology.



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