Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Readers’ practices among student youth of regional universities (on example of Smolensk region)

D.N. Barinov, A.Yu. Petrova


D.N. Barinov is Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), prof. at Smolensk State University; and A.Yu. Petrova is teacher at English language School London Bridge, Roslavl



Presented are results of study of readers’ practices among student youth in Smolensk region. Based on data of concrete sociological research, forms of reading activity with students’ audience, their readers’ preferences, attitude toward reading, sources of getting books are analyzed. Conclusion was made, that readers’ practices of students in Smolensk region are characterized by features inherent in Russian youth in general, that proves involvement of regional university students  in shared socio-cultural space of modern Russian society. Shown is, that development of information and communication technologies in the modern society is resulting in diversification of readers’ practices among students, as well as in forming of multipath reading.

Key words: sociology of education, sociology of reading, sociology of youth, culture, cultural reproduction, Internet communication.



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