Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Value orientations of Russian students’ corporations in the 21st century

R.V. Dorokhina


R.V. Dorokhina is Cand.Sc. (Philosophy), doc. at Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Elaborated is the theme of students’ corporations and fraternities, formed in modern Russia. The role of students’ corporations in intra-corporate and university space is shown. Information concerning when and where modern corporations arose, as well as what their goals and objectives is provided. Shown is, what projects they are realizing, and in what direction they are organizing their activity, i.e. academic or socially significant. Answering these questions, it is possible to know, what type of corporation is before us. Interest for study represents activity of students’ corporations and fraternities, incl. how their members are training new society elite to social and scientific work, and whom they attracting for obtaining certain skills and education. It is also shown, what modern corporates imitate from their Western counterparts, and what they introduced themselves in the sense of new and peculiar.

Key words: students, fraternity, corporations, value orientations, self-determination, university.



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