Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Scientific educational centers “Embedded systems of automatics and compu-ting hardware” as fundament for training national specialists in thq field of mi-croprocessor technic, electronic of distributed systems and embedded technologies

A.E. Vasiliev, T.Yu. Ivanova, Ya.D. Sadin


A.E. Vasiliev is Cand.Sc. (Engineering) doc., director of interdepartment center “Embedded systems” e-mail:; T.Yu. Ivanova is senior lecturer, expert of interdepartment center “Embedded systems” e-mail:; and Ya.D. Sadin is engineer of interdepartment center “Embedded systems”. e-mail:

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnik University


Presented is analytical research work “Scientific educational centers embedded systems of automatics and computing hardware as fundament for training national specialists in the field of microprocessor technic, electronic of distributed systems and embedded technologies”. The authors presents detailed description of organizational, methodological and technical aspects of solution for the problem of training national professional cadres in the field of embedded means of automatic and computing hardware. Besides, defined are principal approaches to solving of the named problem. For substantiation of the theme shown is example of practical activity of inter sub-faculty scientific educational center “Embedded systems”, organized and successfully functioning by Peter the Great Sankt Petersburg polytechnic university.

Key words: embedded systems, microcontrollers, methodic of training.



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