Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On using of network of educational resources in the process of research training of students

O.O. Gorshkova


О.O. Gorchkova is Cand.Sc. (Pedagogy), associate professor

at Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (branch in the city of Surgut)



Presented is “resource model” of functional research training of students. Discussed are various aspects of using of network educational resources in the process of training of students of engineering high school for research activity. The author defines conditions of effective use of the system of educational support Educon in the process of training students of engineering high school for research work. In detail analyzed is technology of using of electronic educational resource of Educon system in the process of learning (lectures, laboratory practice), self-classroom and extracurricular work (tasks system, term papers), and also in the process of electronic testing in disciplines, which allows to provide accurate, systematic, comprehensive and timely information about students’ achievements, as well as about state, functioning and development of educational system in university.

Кey words: engineering education, preparation for research activity, resource model, network educational resources, Educon system.



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4. [URL]: http: //