Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Scientific analysis of causal relationships of subjectivism and conservatism at classes of hand to hand martial training of cadets of high school of Russian Ministry of Interior

S.V. Uskov


S.V. Uskov is Cand.Sc. (Pedagogy), doc. at Crimean branch of Krasnodar University of Russian Interior Ministry



Examined is the problem of modernizing of currently acting system of hand to hand martial training of cadets at universities of Russian Interior Ministry, that, as the author states, nowadays because of a number of objective reasons is unable properly solve the tasks entrusted to it. Principal aim of his research work the author formulates as theoretical substantiation of formation of systems of professional training on the basis of integration of pedagogical technologies of sport training in martial arts with introducing of them into educational breeding process of hand to hand training at police higher schools in Russia. In connection with that, the author presents a number of scientifically substantiated changes into entire system of training in martial arts of future police officers, that if being didactically competent approbated might to change completely the concept of aim setting of professional training in martial arts of future officers of Interior Ministry.

Key words: cadet, professional training, hand to hand training, system, formation process.



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