Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


National tradition of life and social education in Russia

A.M. Egorychev

A.M. Egorychev is Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), prof. at Russian State Social University



Examined are problems of development of national social and humanitarian sciences, based on methodology, in fundament of which lies historical socio-cultural genome of Russian people. Appeal to historical philosophical and socio-cultural heritage of Russian civilization allows not only give impetus to new development of social and humanitarian sciences, but also to preservation of uniqueness of national perception of the world, and preservation of scientific, educational and cultural traditions of Russian society. In connection with that, the author states, that national tradition of life first of all is expressing itself in the system of social education and breeding of breeding generation, it’s socialization and integration into society, while preserving national way of life of Russian people, as well as methodology of national social and humanitarian traditions in science.

Key words: social and humanitarian sciences, Russian thinkers, national traits, national culture, social education, social pedagogy.



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