Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Nil Sorsky on pedagogical ways and methods of moral betterment of improvement of self-perfecting and spiritual growth of person

M.I. Makarov


M.I. Makarov is Dr.Sci. in Pedagogy, doc. at Institute of Strategy of Development of Education of REA



Presented is theoretical methodological and historical pedagogical research of elaborated by national thinkers of Middle Ages ways and methods of moral improvement and spiritual growth of person. The author’s analysis is made on pedagogical elaborations, contained in theoretical and practical heritage of Nil Sorsky, Russian orthodox thinker from second part of 15th and the beginning of 16th centuries. Detached and in detail analyzed are principal postulates of moral educational doctrine of Nil Sorsky, determined is their meaning for moral improvement and self-improvement of spiritual growth of person. Also detached are basic ways and methods of moral improvement and spiritual growth of person. Emphasized is the role of pedagogical breeding as catalyst of moral spiritual growth.

Key words: pedagogical views, ways and methods of moral improvement and spiritual growth of person, breeding.



1. Nil Sorsky, Innocenty Komel’sky. Works. Saint Petersburg, 2005, pp. 81–201.

2. Nil Sorsky. Our father, the monk Nil of Sora tradition to disciple of his on residence at skete. Мoscow, 1849.