Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Peculiarities in entrepreneurial intentions of Russian students in comparison with intentions of students of Portugal, Poland, Lithuania and Oman

F. Dias, T. Atef, J. Kosmaczewska, A.N. Tret’yakova, R. Navickiene


Francisco Dias is PhD, doc. at Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal e-mail:; Tamer Atef is PhD Hotel Management, Assistant Professor, Sultan Qaboos University - Sultanate of Oman/ Associate Professor, University of Sadat City - Egypt e-mail:; J. Kosmaczewska is PhD, lecturer at Poznan University School of Physical Education, Poland e-mail:; A.N. Tretyakova is PhD (Psychology), doc. at Moscow State University of Tourism Industry e-mail:; and R. Navickienė is staff member at Lithuanian Sport University, Lithuania e-mail:


Presented are results of international comparative study of entrepreneurial intentions of students, specializing in industry of tourism and hospitality. Noted is, that the level of entrepreneurial intentions of Russian students is like the level of Polish and Lithuanian students. Usefulness or insufficiency of their education as to entrepreneurship, Russian students definitely could not estimate. Russian students in comparison with students from other countries attach less importance to both factors of attractiveness of entrepreneurship and inhibiting to such factors. Among inhibiting factors, Russian graduates are less focused on financial problems, and they also don’t think that “lack of support of family and friends” is inhibiting factor for entrepreneurship.

Key words: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intentions, industry of tourism, students, factors of influence.



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