Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ideal of upbringing of girls in Abkhazian folk pedagogy

M.F. Ankvab


M.F. Ankvab is Cand. of Pedagogical Sc., doc. at Abkhaz State University



Presented is the study of experience of girls’ upbringing, accumulated by Abkhazian folk pedagogy. Actuality of the problem is conditioned by complex and contradictory processes, taking place in modern society, because development of market relations, establishment of principles of democracy in the republic along with positive moments have also led to numerous negative consequences of cultural and moral character. The author claims, that all this are resulting in ignoring of normality of upbringing, determined by the people, as well as in loss of ethnic consciousness. According to the research, centuries-old experience of girls’ upbringing, created by Abkhazian folk pedagogy can help to resist to negative tendencies in life of society, because namely ability for creation of beauty in all spheres of vital activity has become mighty factor of preservation and enrichment of folk experience, upbringing of people senses, outlook, beliefs.

Key words: Abkhazian folk pedagogy, Abkhazians, ethno-pedagogics, Abkhazia, upbringing of girls, image of woman, female upbringing.



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