Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Origins of student associations in China

R.V. Dorokhina


R.V. Dorokhina is Cand. of Philosophical sci., doc. at Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Examined is the theme of origins and activity of various students’ corporations in China. Analyzing the theme in historical foreshortening, the author states, that origins of forming intellectual communities in China have roots in distant past, dated by the beginning of B.C. 6th century. A number of these communities were established with the aim of of comprehension of secrets of life or escaping from the real world to the world of illusions. But a lot of communities were created by groups of persons, who holds the same views on the aim of significant correction into the existing system, but not to change it. Historical roots of communities exist in contemporary China, in universities of which are formed and actively work numerous students’ corporations. Their activity is characterized in detail by the author.

Key words: China, studentship, teachings, morality, university.