Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of social marketing in educational activity of modern universities

V.N. Fomin, I.A. Gladkova


V.N. Fomin is Cand. of Sociological sci., doc.


I.A. Gladkova is Senior lecturer


at Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G. Shukhov


Examined is genesis of marketing concept in the sphere of education and it’s transformation into practice of social marketing in educational activity of universities. Revealed are reasons for such transformation, and also shown are peculiarities of new approach and it’s differences from commercial variety of marketing as instrument of administration and assistance in professional development of students youth, relevant to contemporary market conditions and traditions of national higher education. For realization of social marketing proposed is the method of formation of three types of subject management, i.e. socio-forming environment of university, specialized socio-marketing service, institute of curators and tutors. The author emphasized, that necessary experience in Russian higher education for using of it is available.

Key words: social marketing, marketing in the sphere of education, social-marketing service.



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