Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical prognosis on breeding children and youth in the 21st century

A.V. Ivanov


A.V. Ivanov is D. Sci. in Pedagogy, prof. at Moscow City Teacher training university



Presented is pedagogical prognosis on breeding of children and youth in the 21st century. Shown are sociocultural and psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of modern youth. Analyzed are statements of teenagers and youth about modern and future era, and also given is analysis of their opinions on content and direction as to educational breeding politics. Described is cultural paradigm of nowadays and future society as to ideas of teenagers and youth. Examined is content of notions of “cultural paradigm”, “cultural paradigm of education”. Formulated are basic ideas and tasks of new breeding, elaborated are content, directions, forms and methods of social and spiritually significant breeding. Also characterized are both culture paradigm and culture environment of educational institutions.

Key words: cultural paradigm, cultural paradigm of education, cultural environment of school, leading ideas of education of the future, social breeding, spiritually significant breeding.



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