Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Training of professional cadres for Vietnam in Russian High schools

A.N. Rementsov, M.N. Kozhevnikova


A.N. Rementsov is doct. in Pedagogy, prof., pro-rector


M.N. Kozhevnikova is PhD in pedagogical sciences, doc.


Moscow State Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI)


Analyzed is the problem of increase in Russian high schools representation of foreign students in order to raise the status of higher school and to attract more financial resources. Conclusion is made, that Russian high school can and must more actively act on international market of educational services by using of market technologies in education. The research is realized on example of students from SRV, in connection with what defined is concrete list of specialties of most need by Vietnamese economy. Among such are engineering technical specialties in the field of energetics, transport, geological research, automatic systems of management in industry, information technologies, and also profession of managers of both high and medium qualifications. Russian universities could help Vietnam in training of above mentioned personnel.

Key words: educational training of citizens of Vietnam, required professions, marketing technologies in education.



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