Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Breeding of cadets of military high schools on military traditions of officer corps

A.V. Anikin, Yu.V. Milyutin, E.A. Tsariev


A.V. Anikin is post-graduate student


Yu.V. Milyutin

is post-graduate student

E.A. Sariev is head of sub-faculty


Perm Military Institute of IF by the MIA of Russia.


Examined is the problem of breeding of cadets of military high schools on traditions of Russian officer corps, that have significant impact on success of military service of officer. Traditions are considered as well-established actions and attitudes, customs, norms and rules of behavior, maintenance of which becomes a public necessity. Morally business qualities of officer are being formed on the basis of sense of self-respect and the duty of serving to the Fatherland. Martial traditions of Russian officers as a timeless example of glorious military past are giving o cadets historical knowledge, strengthen relationship between generations and their continuity. The article presents the analysis of traditions and factors, influencing the choice of profession by officer, and also shows examples of military rituals, affecting readiness to defend Homeland. Also examined are some activities of educational and breeding nature, receiving significant attention at military personnel.

Key words: officer corps, traditions, patriotism, breeding, military rituals, officer’s meeting.



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