Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The problem of cultural and national identity in I.A. Ilyin’s philosophy of communication

M.V. Finko


M.V. Finko is Dr. Sci. in Philosophy, prof. at Don State Technical University



Presented is the author’s analysis of scientific works of the great Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin. In the author opinion, appeal to the philosopher’s works is conditioned by the search of ways and means, necessary for protection of traditional spiritual values. Indisputable is the fact, stresses the author, that in his works I.A. Ilyin before others could feel deep tendencies, defining further development of European civilization, i.e. crisis of culture, cultural and national identity, and as a result, possible loss of valuable and spiritual in person life. Now when business approach gradually forces out personal, “open” contact, by means of which people could share pleasures and feelings, creative heritage of I.A. Ilyin preaching principles of spirituality, morals and love, is connecting in it’s culturological concept meanings of orthodoxy, faith, spirituality, becoming more and more actual.

Key words: thinking, culture, national and cultural identity, spirituality, traditional values, morals.



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