Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Multimodal semiotic resources and their functional potential for learning systems

Zh.E. Vavilova, K.V. Rusetsky


Zh.E. Vavilova is Senior lecturer at Kazan State Power Engineering University


K.V.  Rusetsky is Program engineer at Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio-electronics



Presented are basic approaches to analysis of the concept of “multimodality”. Shown is the spectrum of it’s elements, as well as pool, containing semiotic resources to be used for aims of education. Determined is proportion of concrete components semiotic resources as one of aims of the project of «Models and tools for multimodal text synthesis in intelligent learning systems», that is being carried out by scientists from Kazan in cooperation with their Belarusian colleagues. In the course of mutually realizing scientific educational project, it is intended to create and test of the program, aimed at definition conditions of communication through various semiotic resources. At starting stage of the project, multimodality is being analyzed from point of view of social semiotics, focused on meaning-making of all types, i.e. from verbal to often over-looked somatosensory.

Key words: multimodality, semiotic resources, channels of transmission information, intelligent learning systems.



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