O.O. Panteleeva is Cand. of Philological sci., doc., dean of faculty at Voronezh State University of Architecture and Building Construction
Analyzed is scientific research activity of entrants as one of innovative methods in pre-university education. Given is definition of vocational guidance of professional orientation, and conclusion is made about necessity of search of new forms and methods of training and educational breeding. Substantiated is importance of competition of ODARMOL projects in the system of pre-university training of future engineers. Defined is, that competition of individual projects of school students allows each of them to reveal, actualize and test creative abilities. Scientific and research activity of entrants is defined as perspective form from the point of view of training of pupils for professional and subsequent continuous education, as well as capability to create conditions and prerequisites for independent choice, self-determination and self-realization of personality.
Key words: professional orientation, pre-university preparation, innovations, scientific and research activity, talented youth.
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