Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


The time of the culture

E.A. Pilipenko


E.A. Pilipenko is Ph. D. of Physico-mathematical Sc.

at National Research Saratov State University



Examined are special ontological characteristics of the time of culture. In detail analyzed are such aspects of the theme, as unity of substantial, relative and existential time, characterizing culture as constantly changing integrity, consisting of many individual cultural phenomena, events, processes, activities, experiences. Special attention is paid to the fact, that cultural experience of the person is inconceivable without his personal existential experience, and exists only in his own existential time. It is shown, that every cultural period matches only it’s own relative time of culture, reflecting cultural peculiarities of the epoch, i.e. the time of culture reflects perspectives of development of society, but except for the time of culture there also exist the time of scientific and technological progress (the time of civilization). Also the author substantiates possibility of existence of two kinds of the time of culture, which characterize macro- and microscales of cultural processes simultaneously.

Key words: time of culture, ontological analysis, existential time, substantial time, relative time, time of civilization, «micro-time» of culture, «macro-time» of culture.


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