Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Modernization of higher education as factor of formation of network society in modern Russia

A.S. Sokolova


A.S. Sokolova is senior lecturer at Bashkir State University



Presented is the author’s analysis of actual under conditions of formation of network society in Russia theme of modernization of higher professional education. The author aims to determine direction of modernization of high school of modern Russia. To achieve this aim, the author relies on the Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” and state program “Development of education for the years of 2013-2030”, and also uses own experience of work as teacher under conditions of realization of new Federal state educational standards. The analysis, realized by the author, might to be the basis for further critical reflection on effects of modernization of higher education. Results of the analysis would help to further development of models for adaptation of participants of educational process to negative social transformations, taking place in modern Russia.

Key words: structural modernization, functional modernization, instrumental modernization, value modernization, network education, distance learning, effects of reforming of higher education, models for adaptation.



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