Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Self-organizing model for formation many-leveled connections in the system of scientific and research training of students, taking as example the discipline of “Foreign language”

A.M. Sagdatullin


A.M. Sagdatullin is post-graduate student, engineer at Research and Educational Center of Almetyevsk State Oil Institute



Disclosed is integrative potential of the discipline of “Foreign language” in the system of scientific and research training of students at high school. Characterized is the role of interdisciplinary connections of the named discipline with other subjects of studying course in the process of training students for scientific and research work. Shown is sector and inter-disciplinary integration in the structure of disciplines of different cycles. Elaborated are inter-subject connections as the basis of stimulation of formation of research skills and competences, as well as presented is self-organizing model of formation of many-leveled connections in the system of scientific and research training of students. The author’s conclusion is made about that realization of inter-disciplinary connections in training in foreign languages with access to formed research competence in students might assist developing in them specific inter-disciplinary skills, needed to implement scientific and research work.

Key words: integrative potential, inter-disciplinary connections, foreign language, scientific and research work of students.



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