Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Gnoseological analysis of bionomics as synthesis of inter-subject scientific researches

S.V. Gertner, T.V. Borisova


S.V. Gertner e-mail:

 T.V. Borisova are both cand. of Pedagogy, Assoc. Prof. at Ural State University of Physical Culture


Presented is the result of analytical inter-disciplinary research, caused by the need to deepen theoretical ideas about possibility to integrate knowledge in the field of biology and economy (bionomics). In modern scientific world bionomics is being considered as new economic paradigm, explaining laws of economic changes in terms of biological sciences by means of comparative bio-economic analysis. Shown are gnoseological roots of bionomics, which are defined by evolution of self-organizing systems, institutionalized economy and theory of organizations. Characterized is the essence of processes of self-organizations, which is reduced to orderliness of system and spontaneity of the process of streamlining. Also detached is central notion of institutionalized bionomics, i.e. bionomic person.

Key words: gnoseology, gnoseological roots, bionomics, self-organizing systems.



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