Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Psycho-metrical indicators of Russian-language version of the scale of awareness of present (current) moment by M. Atkinson

S.P. Elshansky, A.F. Anufriev, Z.F. Kamaletdinova, O.E. Saparin, D.V. Semyonov


S.P. Elshansky is doct. in Psychology, prof.; A.F. Anufriev is doct. in Psychology, prof.; Z.F. Kamaletdinova is cand. of Psychology, doc.; O.E. Saparin is cand. of Psychology, Assoc. Prof.; and D.V. Semyonov is cand. of Psychology, Assoc. Prof. at Moscow State Pedagogical University



Presented are results of analysis of psycho-metric indicators of Russian version of scale of awareness of present (current) moment by M. Atkinson. The subject of the research were psycho-metric indicators of Russian-language variant of the scale, i.e. it’s reliability, validity, internal consistence. Used were standard psycho-metric procedures for checking these parameters. Given were both evaluation of re-test reliability of test and it’s validity, and also analysis of a number of indicators of internal consistency (homogeneity). In the process of the research the authors elaborated original Russian-language version of the test, as well as received new data on it’s psycho-metric indicators. Original translation of the scale might be used in the process of work with Russian-speaking examinees in scientific researches, and also in work of psychologists practitioners and psycho-therapists, focused on positive psychology and methods of development of personal potential.

Key words: awareness of present moment, happiness, positive psychology, psycho-diagnostics, validity of test, reliability of test, inner consistency of test.



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