T. Eagleton is prof. in Theory of Culture at Manchester University of Great Britain
Presented is analysis of modern state of university education as to global educational space. Based on example of Great Britain, the author elaborates principal tendencies in evolution of universities. Special attention of the author is concentrated on the problem of bureaucratization of administrative management at high schools. Revealed is real ratio between educational process and scientific research at high schools, as well as shown are possible consequences of impact of the process of commercialization of educational services, i.e. so-called “economics of knowledge”, on the system of higher education. In connection with development of “economics of knowledge”, determined is concrete place of humanitarian knowledge in the system of modern higher education. Also proposed is formulation of the question of renewing of prestige of classic university in society, in connection with such some suitable proposals are offered by the author.
Key words: classic university, evolution of classic university, network of bureaucracy, bureaucratization of administrative management at high school, economics of knowledge, search for students’ purses, honorable heritage of university.