Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Foreign language professional competence of future engineer as result of integration of his professional competencies and communicative abilities (taking as example specialty of “Electronics and automatics of physical installations”)

A.V. Tsepilova, L.V. Mikhaleva

A.V. Tsepilova is lecturer; and

L.V. Mikhaleva is cand. of Pedagogics, doc., head of sub-faculty at

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University




Discussed is the notion of foreign language professional communicative competence of engineer. Analyzed are definitions and descriptions of this notion suggested by modern researchers. Presented is the authors’ own point of view, taking into account integrative nature and specific of professional activity of engineer. Also key concepts in cognitive linguistics and discourse theory have been analyzed, based on which conclusion is made about necessity of integrative development of professional and communicative skills of future engineers in the process of training in foreign languages. With the help of modern educational standards, defined is collection of knowledge and skills, composing the basis of foreign language competence of engineer, training in the specialty of “Electronics and automatics of physical installations”. Suggested methodology of selecting target skills and abilities could be used in organizing the process of training of students of any engineering specializations in foreign language for specific purposes.

Key words: competence, integration, engineer, concept, frame, discourse.



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