Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Innovative potential of higher school in the context of globalization of education

A.M. Gazaliyev, Yu.N. Pak

А.М. Gazaliyev is doct. in Chemistry, prof., rector

Yu.N. Pak is doct. in Engineering, prof., vice-rector at

Karaganda State Technical University



In conceptual aspect examined are basic approaches to globalization processes, taking place in educational space. The subject of the research are organizational and methodological approaches to improvement of higher school of Kazakhstan in the format of innovative development. Basic reasons, hindering innovative development of higher school, are revealed, i.e. insufficient financing for higher education, inadequate level and professional progress of professor and lecturing personnel, insufficiently developed scientific infrastructure, disparity between requirements of labor market and consumer demand, lack of development of strategic partnership between higher school and the sphere of labor, weak scientific and methodological substantiation for carried-out transformations, etc. Also given are some recommendations for improvement of normative legal standards of higher education, raising of efficiency of social partnership between higher school and the sphere of labor as to formation of competence oriented educational programs.

Key words: innovative education, higher school, globalization of education, national system of qualifications, quality of training, professional standard.



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