Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A.A. Valitov, I.S. Tomolov, D.Yu. Fedotova. Impact of modernization processes on transformation of educational structure of settlements of South-West Siberia during late imperial period. P.93-96

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A.A. Valitov is cand of History, researcher E-mail:

I.S. Tomilov is assistant E-mail:

D.Yu. Fedotova is sub-researcher E-mail:

Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of Ural branch of RAN 

          Analyzed is the problem of impact of modernization processes on traditional society. The authors are examining corresponding process under historical requisites of the period of the boundary of 19th up to the beginning of 20th centuries, which was characterized by significant changes both in social life and life objective reality of population during late imperial period. Elaborated are historical peculiarities in the process of modernization in various regions of the country, where dissimilation of innovations was as irregular and taking place at differenr times. Concretely examined is one of amorphous as to modernization regions of the named period, i.e. the region of South-West Siberia. Cleared up is correlation of influence of various social structures on development of social economic life of the named region. Special accent is made on the analysis of the sphere of education in city and rural settlements of North-West Siberia.

          Key words: education, settlement, city, modernization, transformation, industrialization, educational institution. 


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