Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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N.I. Kerimova. On conceptions of ecological ethics

80,00 ₽

Magister of Philosophy

Lecturer of Cathedra of Philosophy

Baku State University


Contradiction between material interests of society and basic laws of nature must be considered
as principal reason for global ecological crisis. Human being, whose productive activity is injurious
to stability of nature, also endangers his own life. There is evident “effect of Boomerang”.
To define in general the strategy for humanity to be saved from global ecological crisis,
and to give meaning to dangerous situation in which Homo Sapiens finds oneself, the author
attempts to display a Human being’s place & role in biosphere.

Key words: ecological environment, environmental generatrix activity, ecosphere, evolution,
ecological crisis.



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