R.I. Kusarbaev
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
E-mail: rinkus@inbox.ru
Examined are basic principles of pedagogical concept of formation of culture of interethnic interaction among students in Russia. Presented is an analysis of the process of socialization of students, as well as collective as group subject of social breeding and experimental work.
Key words: pedagogical concept of forming of culture of interethnic interaction among high school’s students, socialization of students, collective.
1. Kusarbaev, R.I. Theory and practice of formation of culture of interethnic interaction of students of higher educational institutions. — Chelyabinsk: Publ. House “Province”, 2009. — P. 4.
2. Mudrik, A.V. Introduction into social pedagogics. — M.: Institute of Scient. Psychology, 1997. — P. 65.
3. Bondarevskaya, E.V. Value foundations of personally oriented education // Pedagogics. — 1995. — No. 4. — P. 29.