Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Analysis of educational work on the formation of a culture of healthy eating in students of a Pedagogical University

Natalia V. Gubareva, A.P. Pashkov, O.I. Shved
80,00 ₽
UDC 378+613.2

Natalya V. Gubareva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education Altai State Pedagogical University, AuthorID: 588772,, e-mail:

Artem P. Pashkov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department. Department of Medical Knowledge and Life Safety Altai State Pedagogical University, AuthorID: 657818,, e-mail:

Olga I. Shved, Senior Lecturer, Department of Hygiene and Fundamentals of Ecology Altai State Medical University, AuthorID: 854551,, e-mail:


The article presents up-to-date information on the level of knowledge of rational nutrition among students of a pedagogical university. The study analyzed data on the initial level of knowledge in this area in comparison with the results obtained after the implementation of an additional general educational program developed as part of the state assignment at the Altai State Pedagogical University at the Department of Medical Knowledge and Life Safety, Barnaul, in the direction of forming a culture of healthy nutrition among students. The assessment of the competencies declared in the program, carried out during the study, can be used for the rational selection of forms and methods optimal for the implementation of educational activities. The acquired practical skills can be used by students who have completed training on the approved course in order to form a culture of healthy nutrition among students in the educational process.

Keywords: educational work, managers, students, healthy eating, diet, eating behavior, students



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