Alma Mater
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Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of the training of engineers in the rocket, space and aviation industries in the field of standardization and certification of rocket and space technology

Vladimir T. Kalugin, Alexander Yu. Lutsenko, Irina K. Romanova-Bolshakova
80,00 ₽
UDC 378:629.7+37.09:[006.3/.8+006.91]

Vladimir T. Kalugin, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of the NUC SM Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Alexander Yu. Lutsenko, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Docent, First Deputy Dean of the Faculty of SM Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Irina K. Romanova-Bolshakova*, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Docent, Deputy Dean for Master’s Degree of the Faculty of SM Bauman Moscow State Technical University, e-mail:,

The current issues of standardization and certification of complex technical objects and the specifics of their implementation in the design, production and operation of rocket and space products (RST) are considered. The description of the relevant regulatory framework of state standards in the field of RST is given. The current systems of standardization and certification of RST products are presented. The features of professional standards in the field of RST in relation to the requirements and labor functions of RST specialists are noted. Practical implementations in the training programs of specialists of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University for the formation of competencies in the field of standardization and certification in accordance with the SOE (actually approved standards) are shown.

Keywords: standardization, certification, GOST standards in the field of RST, life cycle in RST, professional standards in RST, competence approach, training of higher education personnel in the field of RST



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