UDC 316.6-052
DOI 10.20339/AM.05-24.032
Elena A. Prelikova,
Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Docent,
Southwest State University, Kursk city,
e-mail: elena_prelikova@bk.ru,
Scopus AuthorID: 57211287079.
WoS ResearcherID: AAH-5482-2021
Nikita R. Kukshin,
Southwest State University, Kursk city,
e-mail: nikcrutoy111@mail.ru,
Scopus AuthorID: 58564039000
Dmitry S. Izvekov,
Southwest State University, Kursk city;
Cadet of the Military Training Center named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky at the Southwest State University,
e-mail: dimaizvekov2409200272@gmail.com,
The work was carried out within the framework of implementation of the development program of FSBEI VO "Southwestern State University" of the project "Priority-2030".
The work is devoted to identifying students' understanding of the term ‘patriotism’, ‘patriot’. A comparative characteristic of the results of the author’s sociological research devoted to the patriotic education of students in the border region is carried out. The analysis of the change in the attitude of students to the issues of patriotism before and after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine is presented. The main sources of the formation of patriotic feelings and the circumstances under which true patriotism manifests itself are studied. The reasons that allow respondents to be proud of the Fatherland are revealed.
Keywords: Fatherland, special military operation, border region, patriotic education, patriotism, students, higher education
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