Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social portrait of a student of a provincial university (on the materials of the Penza region)

O.A. Vagaeva, E.V. Liksina
80,00 ₽

UDC 378(1-32):316.6

DOI 10.20339/AM.10-23.030


Olga A. Vagaeva*, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Docent, Associate Professor of Department “Pedagogics and Psychology” at Penza State Technological University, ORCID: 0000-0003-0161-746X, e-mail:

Elena V. Liksina, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Docent, Associate Professor of Department “Pedagogics and Psychology” at Penza State Technological University, e-mail:


Human capital is becoming the main source of development of society, so it is important what values will be decisive for the individual. In the youth environment, such values as citizenship and patriotism are not sufficiently formed, but the priority of the personal over the public is firmly rooted. It is important to form their value orientations, since it is student youth that determines what our society will be like in the future. It is necessary to understand what values influence the worldview of modern students, their attitudes and life goals, in other words, to explore the social portrait of a student of a provincial university.

The assessment of the student's social portrait was carried out using the developed questionnaire and the questionnaire of value orientations by S. Bubnova. As a result of the survey, problem areas and shortcomings in this direction were identified. For 70.6% of students, getting pleasure is an end in itself. 59% do not adhere to a healthy lifestyle. More than 26.9% of them have no desire to have children in the future. Respondents show an insufficiently high level of social activity to achieve positive changes in society. 85.7% of respondents rarely or almost never take part in charitable activities. Despite the fact that 84.9% agree with the statement that “a person must study all his life”, in practice the level of cognitive activity is quite low. More than 55% of respondents do not read scientific literature. 65.5% of students do not take part in the cultural life of the city. 43.7% believe that success in achieving any goal is half dependent on material support.

We believe that the presented results require the adoption of measures within the framework of an educational organization to solve the problem of the formation of value orientations of today's youth, since this is one of the tasks facing the education system.

Keywords: education, social portrait, value orientations, society, students, university.



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