UDC 37.01
Viktor Ya. Gelman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Medical Informatics and Physics at North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg, e-mail: Viktor.Gelman@szgmu.ru
Imaginative thinking surpasses verbal-logical thinking in terms of speed, volume of stored information and the duration of its storage. Therefore, when solving various problems, imaginative thinking has significant advantages. However, when teaching students of non-artistic specialties, often insufficient attention is paid to the effective use of imaginative thinking in professional activities. At the same time, thanks to the use of computer and information technologies, the possibilities of data visualization have grown significantly. In the present work, possible ways of developing imaginative thinking in teaching students of non-artistic specialties using data visualization methods are investigated. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of scientific publications and generalized practical experience in identifying the main ways of using information visualization for the development of imaginative thinking in the learning process. The article discusses the main modern methods of research visualization and possible ways of using information visualization for the development of imaginative thinking. It is shown that in order to increase the efficiency of using this thinking in professional activities, in the learning process it is necessary to pay more attention to the analysis of the visual presentation of data, as well as teaching the active use of research visualization methods and, in particular, infographics and dashboards.
Keywords: imaginative thinking, information visualization, education, non-artistic specialties, university, infographics, dashboard.
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