Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the Problems of Modern Education. I. On the Concept of Contemporary Science Education

N.A. Kuznetsov, S.Yu. Zholkov (Jolkov)

UDC 37:1       


Nikolay A. Kuznetsov, Tech. Sc.D., Prof., Full Acad. Memb., Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:

Sergei Yu. Zholkov (Jolkov), Philos. D.Sci., Math.D., National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, Professor, e-mail:


The article formulates the fundamental principles and the concept of modern scientific education in general. It is emphasized that only after formulating the goals of education in full it is possible to proceed to the discussion of various technical proposals on the methods of teaching, which are the vast majority of discussions. The article proposes and analyzes a systematic approach that combines various disciplines of secondary and higher education with a unified goal and structure.

It is emphasized that a mandatory facet of the educational process, in addition to the student and the teacher, is the state, since a significant part of education is funded by the civil society, and as an investor it has the right to take care of his interests and investment results. Properly structured education is an important factor in the success of public administration (regardless of who is currently in power), and moreover, a factor in the strategic security of the country, the prosperity of descendants and even the survival of the civil nation as a whole.

The most important task of education, according to the authors, is to give students the practice of critical analysis in the process of solving real practical problems and making the right life decisions (to the best of a student's abilities). And such a structuring of educational processes is possible!

The knowledge (and disciplines) required to achieve the stated goals is analyzed.

The features of teaching are discussed: informatics and natural sciences; mathematics and scientific thinking in general; history and culture in general. The ultimate goals of education are defined and analyzed.

The second article will be devoted to the technologies of contemporary science education.

Key words: modern scientific education, strategic security, critical analysis.



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