UDC 37:316.6
Laura Kh. Urusova, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer at North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) at Krasnodar University of the Interior Ministry of Russia, e-mail: lauraurusova@gmail.com
This article examines the problem of theoretical and practical realization of educational opportunities in the process of forming the ethnic identity of a modern personality. The specifics of the main ethnic cultures of the KBR have been comprehensively studied. Distinctive features and common features of Kabardian, Balkar and Russian ethnogroups are revealed. Ethnic identity has been studied both as a structure and as a process of socialization of the modern younger generation. The personal characteristics of representatives of the main ethnic groups of the KBR are analyzed. The influence of the educational system on the process of formation of a person with a stable sense of belonging to the national community of the state is studied. The conducted research shows that ethnic culture, coupled with the educational environment, contribute to the successful socialization of young people, the formation of a new typology of a modern personality capable of coexisting with other ethno-cultural communities, which is the fundamental task of modern global society.
Key words: personality, education, nation, ethnos, ethnic identity, ethnopedagogy.
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