UDC 331.5
L.M. Nizova is Dr. Sci. (Economy), Prof.; and V.V. Isaeva is Student. Both at Volga State University of Technology e-mail: nizova@yandex.ru
On the basis of comparative monitoring of the state of the labor market in the republics and regions of the Volga Federal District, the main criteria for employment and unemployment during the period of coronavirus infection COVID-19 are summarized. The general indicators for the regions during this period are the level of economic development, demographic situation, the share of labor migration, the number of labor force, the level of wages, and others. Measures to mitigate the situation on the labor market include: state support for enterprises implementing investment projects, stimulating employers to develop production and create jobs in all spheres of the economy, provision of social assistance to unemployed citizens on the basis of a social contract, assistance in finding a job, development of the national project “Small and Medium Business and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives”, vocational training and additional vocational education, decrease in informal employment, widespread use of active policy measures in the labor market and others. This will make it possible to successfully implement, up to the level of 2019, such targets as an increase in the number of employed citizens, a decrease in the number of unemployed citizens and, on this basis, an increase in the number of employed citizens.
Key words: labor market, employment, unemployment, employer, enterprise, workplace.
1. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2021 “Message of the President to the Federal Assembly”. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_382666/ (accessed on: 18.07.21).
2. Declaration of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations on the actions of employers and employees in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation. URL: https://git74.rostrud.gov.ru/news/884097.html (accessed on: 20.07.21).
3. Order of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated November 26, 2020 No. 552-p “On approval of a set of measures aimed at restoration by the IV quarter of 2021 of the employed population in the Republic of Mari El (up to the level of 2019)”.
4. Order of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated December 25, 2019 No. 671-r “On approval of the action plan aimed at reducing informal employment and legalizing wages in the Republic of Mari El, for 2020–2021”.
5. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2020 No. 927-r “On the approval of the individual program of socio-economic development of the Republic of Mari El for 2020–2024. (with changes and additions)”.
6. Nizova, L.M., Andreeva, E.A. Employment support as a phenomenon of increasing labor productivity and competitiveness at the mesoeconomic level. Yoshkar-Ola: Volga State Technological University, 2019. 224 p.