UDC 378:352/354
E.V. Goncharova is Cand. Sci. (History), Ass. Prof., Chief of the Career and Employment Center; and T.V Filippova is Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at Institute of Humanities and Language Communications e-mail: Filippovahistory@gmail.com Both at Pskov State University
Shown is the role of practical training of students of higher education in the administration and executive authorities of the region in a dispersed format as a condition for professional development and a source of improving the level of soft skills. The article reveals the work experience gained at the Institute of Humanities and Language Communications of the Pskov State University within the framework of the project “Continuous Practice” in 2019–2021. An experimental test of the effectiveness of the proposed methodological approach for involving students in practical training in a dispersed format in the executive authorities of the region was carried out, an increase in the relative number of students who showed medium and high levels of readiness for professional activity was shown.
Key words: education, practice, practical training, the project “Continuous practice”, executive power, professional skills, soft skills.
1.Continuous practice of Pskov State University students in state and municipal authorities. Pskov: Pskov State University, 2020. 84 p.
2. Pskov State University. Continuous practice. URL: https://www.pskgu.ru/page/a8fafe58-6824-4b44-8488-38dcbc1a46f0 (accessed on: 07.04.2021).