UDC 378-042.4:004
Yu.V. Veldina is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. of the chair “Foreign languages”; and O.A. Vagaeva is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. of the chair “Pedagogics and Psychology”, both at Penza State Technological University
Examined is the application of social service with aim of education at university. At present, education in the university often takes place in a mixed format, with the active use of distance technologies. This context increasingly raises the question of using new methods and techniques that could make the educational process more effective and interesting for students. Under these conditions, teachers have increasingly begun to turn their attention to the Web 2.0 technologies, which represent a qualitatively new approach to the construction of the educational process. This article deals with the social service Wiki, which is more often used in the educational process of the university. From the teaching point of view, the Wiki service allows creating conditions for students when they have to analyze large amounts of information, select the most important, summarize and draw conclusions. It also allows students to critically review articles and collaboratively correct or improve them. The use of the Wiki service in the educational process is of great importance for students as well because its interactivity transforms them from pure information consumers into active users. This article presents examples of using the social service Wiki in the educational process of Penza State Technological University within the framework of the disciplines “Foreign language (German)” and “Methods of teaching and education”.
Key words: higher education, educational process, Web 2.0 technologies, Wiki service, students.
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