UDC 316.35-057.4
O.S. Ivanchenko is PhD (Sociology), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof. of Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences at Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University e-mail: ivanchenko_os@npi-tu.ru
Analyzed are features of professional socialization and the formation of social subjectivity of young Russian scientists. Professional socialization includes three stages: professional self-determination, professional education and professional activity. The formation of the social subjectivity of young scientists occurs at all stages of professional socialization and includes the following components: motivational-value, reflexive and activity. The study is based on in-depth interviews with young scientists of the Southern Federal District (n = 15). The selective strategy is targeted. The processing of empirical information was built in a qualitative paradigm with the use of a specialized QDA Miner program for processing textual information. The conducted research has revealed the conditions, factors and subjects that have an impact (both positive and destructive) on the professional socialization and the formation of the social subject of young scientists. The analysis of compliance carried out in the course of the study revealed significant characteristics of the social subjectivity of young scientists according to the criteria of choice, scientific status, type of scientific organization, continuity of profession in the family.
Key words: social subjectivity, professional socialization, young scientist.
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